Day 4
Meditation #7: The Block
Welcome to Day 4 of the 7 Day Challenge
Make sure to read everything below before starting your meditation. Enjoy!
It seems that our culture, among many, has adopted the idea that we have to keep moving or we are being lazy and we will never accomplish our goals. Many of us get caught in the trap working of so hard to accomplish our goals that we never take a second to question whether what we are doing is actually getting us any closer to reaching them. We just keep the wheels turning and the throttle wide open because we are afraid that if we take our foot off the pedal everything will crash and burn. Our “to do lists” are constantly being piled higher and we just keep pushing to accomplish our goals in hopes that someday we will experience freedom. This busyness causes us to become disconnected with ourselves, those around us, and our creator.
The Stress Hormone
Studies show that the majority of our population reports that they experience stress on a regular basis. We have become numb to this as a society and have accepted it as “normal” behavior. Although the majority of our population suffers from regular stress, it is in no way normal behavior. In fact, it is quite the contrary.
When we undergo stress a chemical called cortisol is released, that triggers a long series of events within our brains and our bodies. This hormone that is released tells our brains that we are in imminent danger and we go into what is called a fight or flight reaction and we basically go into survival mode. We begin to utilize the majority of the bodies resources as our brain thinks it needs to for survival, which leaves us drained and robs all of our energy. The body goes into catabsolism, which is where tissue begins to break down causing an imbalance in our bodies and our overall health begins to suffer severely. If this is left untreated, we will begin to experience major health problems such as cancer and heart disease to name a few.
Another thing that occurs when we are under stress is we lose our ability to feel gratitude, relax, or express any kind of love or compassion. It is literally impossible to feel positive emotions when cortisol is pumping through our veins as our brains automatically shut off the parts responsible for producing the “feel good” chemicals. When we lose touch with positive emotions, we begin to become disconnected with ourselves and those around us. An illusion of separateness begins to take hold and we are now disconnected from our creator and we are living in a harsh material world where everyone is separate from each other.
The Illusion
Stress is no more than a false idea that we will not be able to accomplish all the things that we need to do. Although you may be reading this and coming up with every excuse as to why your stress can be justified, trust me when I tell you, you have created your own stress and it is nothing more than a mental idea you have constructed within your mind.
I own a business and not long ago was stressed out beyond belief, which is one of the reasons I discovered meditation in the first place. I was very close to snapping and closing the business before I started digging deep and uncovering the truth about my stress. The fact is all my stress was made up inside of my head. It was all an illusion. I now experience minimal levels of stress and I have changed nothing except my attitude and understanding of what stress actually is and how harmful it is to us.
Note: This did not happen overnight and took a great deal of dedication where I constantly monitored my stress levels and changed my thoughts and behaviors accordingly. Meditation, along with consciously monitoring my thought patterns were the two keys in eliminating stress from my life.
The Solution
Getting this problem completely under control requires a great deal of commitment and a strong desire to change. However, we can begin relieving the symptoms and re-establishing balance within our bodies relatively quickly through regular meditation. Although meditation will not completely solve the problem as it requires a lifestyle change, it will drastically decrease your stress levels which will allow you to open your heart and begin experiencing love and compassion again. If you agree that you are under regular stress and you believe that you are experiencing all the love and compassion you could, I would like to mention the idea that you may only be scratching the surface.
Preparing For The Meditation
When preparing for this meditation, think deeply about everything you just read and decide whether you believe it to be true or false. If you agree with the statements then you have at least partially accepted the fact that stress could be preventing you from living your best life and from giving/receiving the love and compassion that make you feel alive and allows you to bless the world around you.
The Meditation
In this meditation we are going to take a deep look into our lives and what may be blocking us from receiving love and living life the way it was designed to be lived.
Begin by calming your mind with your breath. Next release any tension in your body and relax every muscle. Remove your tongue from pressing on the roof of your mouth and sink into this moment.
Now we are going to look deep within and ask God to reveal to us what may be blocking us from experiencing his love and guidance and living our best lives.
Philippians 4: 6-7 – Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
John 14:27 – Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
Romans 8:6 – The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.
- Stress and negative emotions prevent us from experiencing love and from receiving divine guidance in our live
- If we ask, and we are truly ready and open to receive, God will show us our blocks and how to remove them from our lives