7 Day Challenge
1. Watch the short video below for a bit more information.
2. Read through each of the three Resource sections below for information that will be helpful throughout this challenge. You can bookmark this page so you can revisit these any time as they will be very useful for this challenge. You can also find this page in the menu of the website.
3. Click on Day 1 below to get started
What Is It?
The 7 day challenge is a simple challenge that only takes 30 minutes of your time per day.
There will be 2 meditation sessions per day, each of which are 15 minutes long.
What Is The Purpose?
- The purpose of this challenge is to find a deep peace within ourselves that is unshakeable, even during uncertain times such as right now
- During this challenge we will be going deep within to learn more about ourselves to search for our purpose and what truly makes us happy
- We will be looking at our goals and desires to help determine if we are on the path to fulfilling them
- And most importantly, we will be connecting with our Heavenly Father, who is the author of peace, love, and joy and who is the key to unlocking our true potential and showing us how to find and fulfill our purpose in life
Meditation, in my opinion, is the single greatest thing you can possibly invest in. For yourself, for others, and for your relationship with God.
How It Works/Tips
- You can choose the times of the day that work best for you
- I prefer in the morning and then either mid-day or later at night before bed, but feel free to set the times that work best for you
- Each session will be 15 minutes long and you can set your own timer or use the guided meditation to follow along
- You can feel free to go longer than the 15 minutes
- Make these sessions nonnegotiable, regardless of what else is trying to pull you away (and trust me there will always be something)
- Turn off all devices and notifications to make sure you will not be distracted
- Lock yourself in a room if you feel someone will distract you
- You can put on headphones and listen to any of the songs in the section below to help avoid distractions. Note: These can be extremely beneficial to calm the mind and get into a meditative state. I listen to them often while meditating.
Meditation Music
Feel free to follow along to the guided meditation, use your own music, or check out a short playlist I put together of some peaceful meditation music:
What Is Meditation?
Meditation is a powerful tool that can improve all aspects of our lives. It is how we discover who we truly are and what our purpose is on this planet and is the doorway to communicating with the creator of the universe.
Meditation, in my opinion, is the single greatest tool for anyone looking to grow spiritually or individually.
Why Meditate?
If I started writing all of the benefits right now, I could probably hit on 30% of them by sometime next year… There are an endless number of benefits to meditating, but below is a list of a few:
- If you are looking for divine guidance in your life
- If you want to know your life’s purpose
- If you are looking for more peace, love, and joy in your life
- If you want to prioritize your life
- If you want to improve a skill
- If you are looking to enhance your creativity
- If you have a life problem that you want to solve
- If you want to remove old limiting beliefs and replace them with new empowering beliefs
What Type of People Meditate?
And a few other groups of people, lol.
Meditation is becoming extremely popular among all walks of life, and for good reason. Everyone from businessmen (and women), to athletes, to musicians, to artists, to health nuts, to spiritual/religious people, etc. are using meditation to improve in different areas of their lives. Meditation is now scientifically proven to significantly enhance creativity, mood, memory, cognitive function, physical abilities, etc.
Types of Meditation
Although there are countless types of meditation, below is a list of a few that I find most impactful:
- Gratitude/Thankfulness/Praise: Offering praise and thanks for all we have been given
- Intention/Prayer: Setting an intention and expressing our goals
- Visualization: Visualizing ourselves attaining our goals
- Solitude/Divine Guidance: Sitting in silence and allowing God to speak
What Is The Difference Between Meditation & Prayer?
Meditation and prayer can be one in the same, but meditation can be used for many things outside of spiritual practice. If you are using mediation for spiritual purposes, there are two components. The first is prayer and the second is solitude. Prayer is just as you would imagine, intentionally speaking what is on your heart (verbally or non-verbally) and asking for guidance. Solitude is the space we create for God to speak back to us. Without creating this space, God has no room to speak to us and offer his divine guidance.
Your Mind WILL Wander
Prepare for your mind to wander in a thousand directions. There is a common term in meditation called “monkey mind” that explains how our minds naturally wander. It is perfectly normal for this to happen and it takes practice and discipline to learn to control the mind. The key is noticing your mind wandering and then pulling it back to your intention through focus, practice, and discipline. Over time, you can learn to have complete control over your mind and every thought you allow to enter it.
Set An Intention
Each meditation should have a specific intention of what you are trying to accomplish. That intention can be anything from feeling gratitude and expressing praise and thankfulness, to visualizing something you want to obtain, to emptying your mind and making room for God to speak to you, etc.
Have NO Expectations
A major hindrance for people starting off meditating, as well as experienced meditator’s is having an expectation of what the practice should be. When you have an expectation, your mind will constantly judge your experience based on your idea of what you think it should be. If the practice does not meet the expectation you set in your mind, you will be left unsatisfied. Setting expectations also limits the potential of what may transpire.
Search Deep For Kindness/Love
Come into your meditation with a soft, kind attitude towards yourself and your practice. Dump all of the junk from your day by breathing and prepare to enter a timleless and peaceful state where all the magic happens.
Cultivate Curiosity/Openness
Be open to any and all possibilities. If you are holding limiting beliefs about the practice or you are closed off to the potential of what may enfold, you will not receive the benefits of meditation. Allow room for old limiting beliefs to dissipate so that new empowering beliefs can enter.
Gratitude, Love, and Compassion
The fastest way to communicate directly with God, is to come to your meditation with a genuine sense of gratitude, love, and compassion. Start by thinking thoughts of any of these attributes and allow the feeling to penetrate deep into every cell of your body. Another direct path to the creator is genuinely asking how you can use your gifts to serve others. If you truly want to serve, ask God where to start and you will most certainly find an answer. But remember, it must genuine!
Smile, Relax, & Breathe
I can’t stress enough how important this is! Bringing a soft smile to your face will immediately release the feel-good chemicals throughout your body that are essential for deep relaxation and connection. Relax every muscle in your body and surrender to the practice and whatever takes place. And most importantly, don’t forget to breathe! Breathing is how you calm your mind and tell your body that you are safe and secure. Long deep breathes will provide your body with vital oxygen and will begin to slow your brain waves down, which is essential to getting into a meditative state.
Don’t Give Up
If you don’t experience anything profound the first time, don’t give up! It took me a bit before I got anything out of it and there are still times I go to meditate, and I am just not feeling it. I assure you, if you put in enough time to figuring it out, you will receive benefits beyond anything you could imagine is possible by just sitting there with your eyes closed!
Have Fun
Don’t take yourself too seriously and have fun! You have decided to take an important step in your life that will be the most beneficial thing you could ever do for yourself and those you love. Give yourself a break and come to this practice with a light, fun attitude!